"This isn't a watercolor, it's a mural." - Erich Segal

The banner mural of ships and fishing supplies decorates the fence of a parking lot just off Marine Drive in White Rock B.C.
(Artist unknown)

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Mural on wheels

Need a drawing surface for your mural? How about your car?

This blue station wagon looks like it's enjoying its life as a traveling picture book.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Orgosolo murals - 3

Our final two murals from the village of Orgosolo, on the Island of Sardinia, Italy.

It would be interesting to know the story behind the mural directly below. It appears to be a strong message, not completely lost in translation.

Photo © 2012 by T. Fisher (Used with permission)

 I love the mother-earthiness of these stylized women. On another site, this mural is captioned:"Botero-style painting devoted to women, mothers and workers."

Photo © 2012 by T. Fisher (Used with permission)

Orgosolo murals - 1

Orgosolo murals - 2

Monday, June 11, 2012

Orgosolo murals - 2

More murals from the village of Orgosolo on the Island of Sardinia, Italy.

I love the feeling of family and community these communicate. Though different in style, they both exude stability, tradition, determination, stoicism, and, the bottom one especially, a little outrage? 

Photo © 2012 by T. Fisher (Used with permission)

Photo © 2012 by T. Fisher (Used with permission)

See Orgosolo Murals - 1

Two more murals from Orgosolo next week.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Orgosolo murals - 1

A friend of mine recently traveled to the Italian island of Sardinia. She came back with some mural photos from  the village of Orgosolo. Many thanks, T.,  for allowing me to post some of them here!

First, a little bit about the Orgosolo and its murals:

Orgosolo's mural emerged in the late 60's. It was during the time when Italy’s “economy miracle” collapsed by massive strikes and social unrest. Especially, the later 1973 oil crisis abruptly terminated this economy boom. Thus, murals became a major expression of the social discontent.

The first mural in Orgosolo was carried out in 1969 by Dionisio, an anarchist theater company in Milan. She questioned: "What is the role of the island in the Italian government's policy?”

After the idea of mural spread into this small village, a local teacher, Francesco Del Casino, played an important role. The early works were carried out by his students. Later on, more experienced workers took the job, making the murals more elaborate both in the style and in the content.

Francesco Del Casino will be the instigator of most paintings of the village of Orgosolo. One of his major motivations was to get students involved in politics. Therefore, murals were featured by the oppression of Nazism, struggling for liberation, unemployment ratio and education problem. Even though many kinds of topics were introduced, political events are still the major topics of the mural
. - From the Wikipedia article "Orgosolo Mural in Sardinia" (paragraphing added).

"Enjoy Orgo-Solo" - Photo © 2012 by T. Fisher (Used with permission)

Photo © 2012 by T. Fisher (Used with permission)

See more Orgosolo murals in this photo essay.

More Orgosolo murals next Monday.



All writing and images © Copyright 2006 - 2013
by Violet Nesdoly

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